October 2022
Research of Dr. Y Raghu Reddy, Prof. Vasudeva Varma and Lalit Mohan S on Information security search engine, has been granted a U.S Patent. The title of their invention is System and Method for Retrieving and Extracting Security Information. About the patent as explained by the inventors:
A system and method for retrieving and extracting security information is provided. The method includes (i) extracting seed Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) from social media based on keywords that are identified for each sub-domain, (ii) crawling a security related content in the extracted seed URLs to determine relevant URLs that are related to a security domain from the extracted seed URLs, (iii) classifying the security related content into sub-domains of security to obtain domain coverage, (iv) extracting text that include acronyms from the relevant URLs, (v) automatically evolving a security ontology based on extracted text using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep Learning model, (vi) ranking search results by accessing credibility of the URLs that include the security related content based on domain relevance and (vii) providing the ranked search results that includes trends.