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F C Kohli Day-2024

Kohli Centre on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) commemorated the birth anniversary of Sri F C Kohli with a special program celebrating his life through research and innovation on 19 March. The event began with an introduction on F C Kohli Day by Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy and welcome address by Prof. P J Narayanan . This was followed by keynote addresses by:

  • Prof. Satyanarayanan R Charavarthy, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras.
  • Prof. Ravindran Balaraman, Department of Computer Science, IIT Madras

The afternoon session began with an address and short speech by Mrs. Swarn Kohli. This was followed by a panel discussion on What does it take to make systems deployable, repeatable and eventually profitable and was moderated by Prof Ramesh Loganathan Professor, IIIT Hyderabad. The panelists were Dr. Parameshwari Krishnamurthy, Assistant Professor, IIIT Hyderabad; Prof Kiran Kumar Kuchi Professor, Electrical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad; Dr Reena Dayal Founder & CEO, Quantum Ecosystems & Technology Council of India and Pradeep Palelli Co-Founder & CEO, Thanos Technologies Private Limited.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/U93rlmBQMkM?feature=share

More details: https://kcis.iiit.ac.in/FC_Kohli_Day_2024




March 2024