Best Paper Award for Using Deep Learning In Retrie...


Simplistically put, Document Analysis is about trying to extract content from a scanned document image so that it is easily editable and searchable. While the currently popular Optical Character Recognition software gives almost 100% accuracy for recognizing scanned and printed

Information and The Art of Relevant Retrieval


Who amongst us is not guilty of doing a quick internet search in the midst of an argument to prove a point? Or which millennial parent has not resorted to the Internet to answer their child’s queries? Simplistically put, such

Lab to Land: Challenges & Approaches to Produ...


With the world today being driven by intellectual property and deep technology, there’s an increased and immediate need for getting research evidence into policy and practice - basically getting research adopted by the Industry, startups, new products et al. The

Building Energy Simulations


Buildings are responsible for a large form of energy consumption and carbon emission across the globe, and efforts to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide has been on for more than a decade. As a part of this process, scientists

Understanding Music Cognition


Not everyone can sing or play musical instruments. But almost all can hum a tune. It’s not uncommon either to find most people listing “listening to music” as one of their hobbies. Whether music predates language or speech has been

Split Screens for Optimal Viewing – the latest i...


One usually associates split screens with news channel panel discussions with multiple guests in the same frame. But we are yet to see recordings of stage performances like a dance recital or a play in split mode. Such recordings are