IIIT-H Researcher Presents Paper at Symposium on A...


The ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing recently held it’s 34th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) at Limassol, Cyprus. Part-Time PhD student Sai Anirudh Karre who is working under Prof. Y. Raghu Reddy presented his paper in the "software

How Do You Want To Spend Your Summers?


IIIT-H presents an opportunity for those interested in diving into Computer Vision and Machine Learning with its summer schools. Sign up to learn more and to interact with leading experts in these fields. Summers are typically meant for breaks or

IIIT-Hyderabad Researchers Propose Novel Way Of Ca...


Worldwide, deaths due to cardiovascular diseases are on the rise and a large proportion of them can be attributed either to hypertension or hypotension making blood pressure monitoring an important factor in disease prevention. However traditional methods of BP monitoring

How IIIT-Hyderabad Is Uncovering Elusive Use Cases...


Every research institution takes pride in its research. The same is easily available for reference. However, is this enough when someone is looking to adopt research to solve a real world problem? Does the esoteric language targeting peer research community

Alumnus Akansh Khurana – The Incidental Ent...


Akansh Khurana, CSE batch of 2006 is CEO and Founder of Technology, HealthCare and Big Data Analytics (TBH). They say at IIITH, you become family, keeping a close-knit approach to business, Akansh has his campus best friend as co-founder, junior

Nishtha Pandey Comes Full Circle


Going ‘back to school’ in your 30s requires a great deal of commitment and a certain je ne sais quoi. Juggling the demands of a student life along with those of a family can probably put a circus performer to