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Workshop on AI and its impact on society in developing nations

A workshop on AI and its impact on society in developing nations was held at IIIT Hyderabad on 21 December. The workshop delved on the use of AI techniques in addressing some of the challenges faced by societies in developing nations.

Recent technological changes in AI has enabled significant power to analysis and reasoning and this aspect is playing a very constructive role in addressing some of the challenges faced by developing nations, such as effective and efficient citizen service delivery, health management, infrastructure use, traffic management, etc. Some of the major themes for the workshop  included AI and Health, AI and Education (K-12 + skills education), AI for Sustainability, AI and Transport, AI for Citizen services, AI systems and Human ethics, Human-machine interactional challenges and Emerging AI systems for Society

Eminent academicians, industry and government scientists like Mr. Avik Sarkar (Niti Aayog), Dr. Lilly Irani (University of California San Diego), Mr. Himanshu Doshi (Microsoft Hyderabad), Prof. Molly Wright Steenson (Carnegie Mellon) and Prof. M. Balakrishnan (IIT Delhi) gave keynote lectures during the workshop.