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CCGRID and Cloud India Conclave

Faculty and students presented a paper on A Cloud-Fog Architeture for Video Analytics on Large Scale Camera Networks Using Semantic Scene Analysis at Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing  (CCGRID) and Cloud India Conclave held at Bangalore from 1 – 4 May. The authors of this paper are Kunal Jain, Kishan Sairam Adapa, Kunwar Shaanjeet Singh Singh Grover, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla and Suresh Purini. Research work as explained by the authors:

With an increasing number of CCTV cameras around the world, the paper proposes a simple distributed architecture for authorities to manage their growing camera networks. It aims to answer a range of queries using the same architecture keeping scalability and real time applications in mind.

Their paper presented a simple architecture that can scale to camera networks consisting of more than 100000 cameras. One of its key features is being able to handle new kinds of queries that authorities might want the cameras to answer on-the-fly with minimal overhead cost. It provided analytics with low latency and was shown to be compatible with existing infrastructure.

IIITH@Cloud India Conclave

The first day of the conference saw our institute participating in the Cloud India Conclave, an event aimed at bringing together leading cloud researchers in India together to discuss ideas and promote collaborations. IIIT along with IITB, IISc and UoH showcased their academic and research contributions in the area of cloud computing. IIITH showed off its variety of courses to promote students in this area along with various research projects and our very own Virtual Labs initiative.

Along with the academic showcase, Kunal Jain also presented a poster based on his research work on A Cloud-Fog Architecture for Video Analytics on Large Scale Camera Networks Using Semantic Scene Analysis.

Panels@Cloud India Conclave

The event introduced the participants to the Indian Cloud Computing landscape with a series of panel discussions and talks from the industry. The event kicked off with short presentations by Dr. Manish Gupta (Google), Shruti Doval (HPE), Dr. Praveen Jayachandran (IBM Research), Dr. Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (Microsoft), and Dr. Mayank Misra (TCS Research) followed by a panel discussion with them. It introduced the current pressing challenges faced by the industry and the end user and was followed by a fruitful QnA where they got a chance to interact with the researchers.

Following this session, Dr. Kishore Kothapalli of our institute led a panel discussion between some of the leading government organizations using cloud computing like NPCI, CDAC, ISRO, Strand Genomics and EkStep Foundation. He led the discussion on how these organizations are dealing with sensitive user data while providing optimal services. They took a series of questions from the audience as well which helped everyone realize what the vision of these organizations is for the future of our country.

The academia got a chance to present its work in the area after that. IIIT Hyderabad introduced its work done in CSG Lab and CSTAR Lab in distributed and cloud computing. Dr. Kishore discussed works revolving around cloud economics, managing large scale camera networks, PRAM algorithms and oral cancer detection at scale. He also discussed the various courses such as Distributed Systems, Distributed Data Systems, Program Verification among others that are taught in our university to promote knowledge and research in this area.

The program concluded with a presentation from the open source community and industry which discussed the plethora of work that is being done to innovate in this space.

The 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2023) is a leading forum to disseminate and discuss research activities and results on a broad range of topics in distributed systems, ranging from computing clusters and high performance computing to widely distributed clouds and emerging Internet computing paradigms such as Fog and Edge Computing for Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data applications. The conference featured keynotes, technical presentations, posters, workshops, student symposium, industry interactions, the SCALE Challenge.

The Cloud India Conclave is a co-located event on the first day of this premier international conference CCGrid 2023. The event together stakeholders in the cloud and systems research ecosystem within India, including policy makers, academics, technology providers, cloud computing consumers, innovators and international collaborators, to discuss the state-of-the-art in research and cloud technology, the need for standardization, the requirements and the opportunities in India. Cloud India Conclave had a series of keynotes, invited talks, panel discussions, and poster presentations. 

The event served as a launching pad for setting up interest groups on specific topics, catalyze international collaborations, and build critical mass for tackling grand challenges that are globally relevant and to India in particular.

Conference pages: https://ccgrid2023.iisc.ac.in/ and https://ccgrid2023.iisc.ac.in/cloud-india-conclave/