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Anurag Jain wins Best poster design award

Anurag Jain working under the supervision of Dr. Sujit Gujar received the best poster design award for their work on We might walk together, but I run faster: Network Fairness and Scalability in Blockchains at the Proceedings of International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2021 (AAMAS’21).

Research work as explained by Dr. Sujit Gujar and  Anurag Jain:

Bitcoin offers 3.5 transactions per second. In such low transaction rates, the miners have equitable rights (in terms of computing power) to mine a block. However, as researchers are trying to scale transaction rates, in this paper we show that miners with relatively slower network bandwidth are highly worse-off to mine blocks. Thus, they will lose interest and either try to act strategically rather than following protocols honestly or drop off. Both defy the purpose of blockchain technology. 

Link to videos and poster awards – https://aamas2021.soton.ac.uk/awards/video-and-poster-awards/

Link to poster: https://generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk/aamas2021/wp-content/uploads/sites/393/2021/03/Poster_AAMAS_461.pdf