Learning from the Laureates at Heidelberg Laureate...

Every year, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) brings together top visionaries of Mathematics and Computer Science…

Prof P J Narayanan

What Drives The Uber Wallah?

Ethnographic study by IIITH researchers provides new insights about the ride-sharing workforce in the Indian…

Sarita Chebbi

Building A Brain Atlas: For Indians, By Indians

IIITH researchers create first-ever Indian Brain Atlas demonstrating significant differences in size and structure of…

Sarita Chebbi

How To Sample A Semester At IIITH

Have you ever eyed those awesome courses offered at IIITH and regretted missing the bus?…

Sarita Chebbi

IIITH Researchers Use ML Tools To Salvage The Shas...

Ancient palm leaf manuscripts are our cultural heirlooms with a wealth of knowledge residing in…

Sarita Chebbi

Spotlight on SPCRC

With high-speed connectivity becoming the latest buzzword and businesses, devices and individuals getting connected like…

Sarita Chebbi