How Focusing On Consumer Healthtech Products Has W...

BlueSemi, a CIE-incubated startup founded by IIITH alumnus Sunil Kumar Maddikatla has received an impressive…

Sarita Chebbi

Positivity, A PhD and A Patent

Life can often get in the way of individual pursuits. But for Salma Khan who…

Sarita Chebbi

Aditi Mukherjee – How a Linguist is bringing...

Prof. Aditi Mukherjee, a sociolinguist, is teaching Linguistics to IT students about how language works.…

Deepa Shailendra

Building A Collaborative Future With Quantum Compu...

The International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad’s newest Centre for Quantum Science and Technology is…

Sarita Chebbi

IIITH Contributes To One-Of-Its-Kind Dataset on Fi...

IIITH is the only Indian institute in the global consortium of 13 universities and labs…

Sarita Chebbi

Intelligent Technology to Help India Leapfrog that...

There’s good news in the pipeline for India’s rural healthcare system. A roundtable on ‘Technology…

Deepa Shailendra