CovidWire – Verified News Snippets In The (M...

When students joined hands to beat misinformation about the pandemic, CovidWire.in was born. Here's how…

Sarita Chebbi

CVIT Researchers’ Submission in MOT 2020 Ranks N...

In June 2020, when two student researchers from the Centre for Visual Information Technology (CVIT)…

Sarita Chebbi

VR Dating Ups Chances of Real Life Hook-Ups, Finds...

The Indian match-making scene has gotten severely disrupted thanks to the advent of technology. Now,…

Sarita Chebbi

IIITH Student Snags Competitive Inaugural MLH Fell...

In response to the thousands of globally lost student internships due to Covid-19, Major League…

Sarita Chebbi

Now A Machine Learns to Map Music-induced Movement...

Just like physical gestures are quick giveaways of your personality and your current emotional state,…

Sarita Chebbi

When Life Is Service And Service Is Joy

It is said that when valuable, long-time employees exit an organisation, they walk away with…

Sarita Chebbi