T H Arjun 


T H Arjun, a second year - Dual Degree CSE student passed away on 28 February after fighting COVID valiantly for two months.  Arjun joined the CSD program of the institute in 2019, after securing the second rank in the

Remembering Jay Pullur


Prof Ramesh Loganathan reminisces on  Jay Pullur, Founder and CEO of Pramati Technologies'  deep impact and influence, his association with IIITH and the city's entire startup ecosystem. Today we lost a fantastic human being who was a pioneer in the technology

Alumnus  Chethan Mittapalli 


IIIT Hyderabad expresses its deepest condolences at the demise of Chethan Mittapalli (B.Tech-CSE, 2005-09) and prays for his departed soul. Chetan battled with a brain tumor for the last 2 years. He was building Startupbyte & socio hub from IIITH-CIE.

 Prof. Kesav Vithal Nori 


Prof. Kesav Vithal Nori, a Distinguished Professor at IIITH passed away on 29 May in Bangalore. Prof Nori was associated with IIITH for more than 12 years. He was executive Director and executive Vice President of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

B Krishna


B Krishna, housekeeping supervisor at Bhakul, passed away on 29 April due to CoViD 19.  Krishna joined IIIT Hyderabad in 1999. IIIT Hyderabad expresses its deepest condolences to the bereaved family of Krishna and prays for his departed soul. 

Mani Kiran


Mani Kiran, CIE, Head - Admin and Facilities passed away on 26 April. IIIT Hyderabad expresses its deepest condolences to the bereaved family of Mani Kiran and prays for his departed soul. Mani Kiran was the first member hired into