Puja Chauhan


Puja Chauhan has joined Centre for Exact Humanities (CEH) as a lecturer. A visual artist, Puja has been based in Hyderabad for the past five years. She  has been a guest faculty at IIITH since 2016, teaching collage and hand

Dr. Deepak Gangadharan


Dr. Deepak Gangadharan has joined the Computer Systems Group as an Assistant Professor.  His research areas are Scalable design and Performance Analysis of Edge-based IoT systems, Analysis and Scheduling of Real-Time Distributed Systems/Cyber-Physical Systems, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Faultytolerant System Design.

Prof. Anil K Jain


Prof. Anil K Jain joined Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) as VAJRA Adjunct Faculty. His research interests are in Pattern recognition, computer vision and biometric recognition. Prof. Jain is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science

Dr. Aditi Mukherjee


Dr. Aditi Mukherjee joined Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC) as Visiting Faculty. Her research areas are Sociolinguistics and Literacy studies..

Lakshmi Misra


Lakshmi Misra, has joined TTO Office (Outreach) as Programme Head, Industry Outreach.

Prof. Alok Rai


Prof. Alok Rai has joined Center for Exact Humanities (CEH) as Visiting Professor. His research areas are modern English literature, cultural processes in modern North India, with particular reference to issues of language and literature.