Dr. Vineet Gandhi’s Research Receives Patent...


Dr. Vineet Gandhi, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) received patent rights for his work - System and Method for Automatically Generating Split Screen for a Video of a Dynamic Scene.

Prof. C. V. Jawahar and team win Best Paper Award


Samyak Datta, Gaurav Sharma and C. V. Jawahar, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) were conferred Best Paper Award for their paper Unsupervised Learning of Face Representations  at 13th IEEE International Conference on Automated Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2018),  Xi'an, China

Dr. Jolly Thomas wins Bimal Krishna Matilal Logic ...


Dr. Jolly Thomas, Center for Exact Humanities (CEH) won the Biennial BM Matilal Logic Prize for the year 2018 for his paper on Developing Metalogic to Formalize Ontological Disputes of the Systems in Metaphysics by Introducing the Notion of Functionally Isomorphic

Dr Shatrunjay Rawat


Dr Shatrunjay Rawat will be chairing the combined committee for curriculum for Polytechnic (Diploma) in Computer Science and IT. In this capacity Dr. Rawat will be visiting  All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Headquarters in Delhi for meetings during the

Dr Anoop Namboodiri


Anoop Namboodiri has won the Best Paper Award (Silver) for his work on Semi-Adversarial Networks: Convolutional Autoencoders for Imparting Privacy to Face Images at the 11th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2018), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.      

Dr. K. Madhava Krishna


Dr. K Madhava Krishna, Robotics Research Center has been promoted as Professor from January 2018. His research areas include mobile robotics, robotic vision, outdoor robotics, multi-robotic systems and mechanism design.