Developing Open Data Framework for Real Time Weath...

In India, at least 10,000 people have died in the last 2 decades due to landslides alone. 110 districts spread…

Malini Krishnan

Jofin George’s seismic views on masonry arch...

Dr. Jofin George, assistant professor at IIITH’s Earthquake Engineering Research Center fell in love with structural engineering, inspired by stone…

Deepa Shailendra

Self-adaptive EdgeML With Model Balancer

Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan explains a novel approach that allows a system on edge to self-adapt between different ML models, thus…

Karthik Vaidhyanathan

Optimization Techniques For Edge AI 

In a Q&A about the emergence of edge computing, Dr. Suresh Purini explains its scope, the challenges confronting Edge ML,…

Suresh Purini

Why IIITH alumnus Mohit Dubey writes codes by day ...

A software engineer by profession, Award-winning short film-maker Mohit Dubey harbored a secretive imaginary world, working on screenplays for movies…

Deepa Shailendra

How Computer Vision Is Driving Innovation In Edge ...

Prof. Anoop Namboodiri provides perspectives of general research trends in Computer Vision and those taking place at IIITH in particular…

Anoop Namboodiri

It takes a village to achieve SPEC-tacular success...

When IIIT Hyderabad launched SPEC, an alternative admission channel for meritorious, rural and economically disadvantaged students, little did they realize…

Deepa Shailendra

Gauging Research Potential: Tales Of A Selection P...

Can you fry something in water? It’s questions like these that are all in a day’s work for the IIITH…

Sarita Chebbi

Santosh Nannuru and his Electrifying Observations ...

Prof. Santosh Nannuru’s work in IIIT Hyderabad’s Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) is at the very core of…

Deepa Shailendra

Change On A Cloud: Raj Reddy Center Invites Corpor...

The Center is expanding its impact in education and healthcare by crowdsourcing its developmental projects via an online platform. At…

Sarita Chebbi