What would Sourav Chatterjee define as the Quantum...

Young Sourav Chatterjee has recently embarked on his career of interest as a Scientist at…

Deepa Shailendra

Why India’s National Pledge had a deep connect w...

Kamagra à paris Les changements de concentration de cialis pas cher belgique substrat dus facteurs…

Deepa Shailendra

IIITH Scientists Design Novel Way Of Performing Qu...

The new method helps to predict the molecular properties and model chemical reactions.  In groundbreaking…

Sarita Chebbi

A Simple Blockchain-based Solution For India’s D...

IIITH researchers propose a novel cryptographic method of polling that not only meets all the…

Sarita Chebbi

Can the Ripple-IIITH Fellowship create waves in bl...

The first recipient of the coveted Ripple-IIITH Fellowship, IIITHian Sankarshan Damle is exploring the uncharted…

Deepa Shailendra

Banking On Data: Tech Tales From The TiH Data Cent...

An online testing solution to assess the cognitive impact of Covid-19; an autonomous driving platform…

Sarita Chebbi