When Modern AI Meets Classical Robotics

Prof. Madhava Krishna briefly explains the way IIITH’s self-driving car works and what is novel…

Prof Madhava Krishna

Debunking The Myth Around Post-Quantum Cryptograph...

Prof. Kannan Srinathan explains why the current frenzy about the post-quantum cryptography apocalypse is unwarranted.…

Prof Kannan Srinathan

GenAI Tech by IIITH Team Enhances Accessibility Fo...

As part of the Government-led initiative to create AI models exclusively tailored for India’s diverse…

Sarita Chebbi

Efficiency And Security For Financial Applications...

Prof Sujit Gujar discusses the emergence of Federated Learning (FL) while enumerating the ways in…

Prof Sujit Gujar

Sushil Umasudhan – International Informatics...

When IIITH’s Sushil Raaja Umasudhan won the silver medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics…

Deepa Shailendra

IIITH Shows A Simple Stethoscope Can Give Voice To...

Researchers demonstrate how a wireless stethoscope converts behind-the-ear vibrations - heard as non-audible whispers- into…

Sarita Chebbi